
I want to briefly deviate from the proposed apologetics / social concern / human rights theme and shortly write about what has been happening at home recently. It fits in quite well to my first blog about prayer.

Last week both my wife and son were consecutively admitted to hospital with suspected food poisoning. I was naturally fearful about it and started to pray that they would both be ok. However, shortly after I prayed for their well-being, I realized that I was still just as worried as I was before.

If one does not sense some kind of peace of mind or reassurance from prayer, then one could deduce that s/he does not fully trust in whom s/he is praying to.

I cannot claim that after several days of hospital visits, anxious moments and earnest prayers that I now feel completely at ease with a still ongoing situation, but can state that I have found genuine encouragement and belief through several verses written thousands of years ago by people going through some considerable troubles of their own.

A few memorable ones:

But when I am afraid, I put my trust in you… I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me?    

Psalm 56 verses 3-4. Written by King David when his enemies had captured him.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”

Proverbs 3 verse 5. Written by Solomon, the third King of Israel, between 971-931 B.C.

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2 thoughts on “Trust?

  1. Sherry P

    Great to see you blogging, James! Keep referring to the Scriptures and your faith will increase to the degree of trusting the Lord to whom you are praying…for He is always faithful! Sherry and John P.

    • Thanks for that encouragement Sherry!
      Maybe it is only by going through tough times that these issues really do come up and one can truly see where his/her faith is at.
      I believe you are right about the Scriptures – we can lean on them.

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